Member Spotlight – Owen Richardson
When did you first hear about Blue Mountains Personal Training Studios (BMPTS) and what was your initial experience like when you did your first workout?
I first heard about Blue Mountains Personal Training Studios three and a half years ago.
I’d been meaning to get fit for a while, but I felt really self-conscious. I’d try going to gyms and personal trainers, but I always felt too intimidated to continue. I thought id give BMPTS a try.
My first session with Phil was the first time I’d been around gym equipment and felt comfortable. Phil noticed my confidence levels and tailored his approach. It worked a treat and 3 years on with BMPTS I just keep hitting new goals.
How many days per week do train at BMPTS and what is your normal session times?
I generally train 2-3 days a week for 45 minutes each.
What is your favourite thing about Blue Mountains Personal Training Studios?
My favourite part about training with BMPTS is that it’s always interesting. I get bored pretty easily, but they are still finding new weird and challenging exercises.
If you could describe BMPTS in only 3 words, what would they be?
A fitness community.
What is your favourite post-workout meal?
Pan-fried Chicken on a bed of quinoa, sweet potato and peas.
What do you do for a living?
I’m a Remote area firefighter.
What accomplishments are you most proud of (outside or inside of the studio)?
My fitness test for work, currently I’m holding the pack test record.
What is your least favourite exercise in the studio?
Pushups are my least favourite exercise. But I’m so happy with how far I’ve come with them.
It might sound funny but training at BMPTS has made my life easier, here is why…
Its helped me make and keep the habit of exercise.
What is one goal you would like to accomplish in the next year?
Completing the full set of snakebites without any rests. (See note below)
If you could have any super power what would it be?
The power to not need sleep. There’s never enough time in a day.
Any tips for a new client?
Being fit is a habit you make. It only takes 3 weeks to build a new habit. After that training becomes so much easier.
Owen has done a full snakebite workout. A short description is below.
Start with 50 consecutive pushups then 10 consecutive pull-ups. Each round you decrease pushups by 5 and decrease pull-ups by 1 until you have done 5 pull-ups. There is no rest between exercises or rounds.